How To Save Money When Booking Wedding Party Buses
Whether you are one of the couple who wishes to book a suitable party bus for his/her guests on the wedding, or a guest itself who wishes to make arrangements for your group, you need to know certain important points relating the transports.
Of course, you already know that party buses are highly cheap, secure and superb means of travel with your group. However, did you know that you can save yet more of your overall travel costs when you keep certain factors in mind?
Yes, this is true.
When you hire a wedding limo service or a party bus to travel, the charges incurred by the service providers depend on certain factors such as:
- The number of guests
- The time of the year
- Difference between booking and traveling time
- The kind of area to travel to
- The type of vehicle
- The day of the week (most of the times)
- Extra services offered etc.
And it is important to keep all these factors well in your mind before you book your wedding party bus for the group.

What are the tips for saving money on a party bus?
The reality is that, if you’re not careful, renting a party bus can shake your bank account. Depending on your location, the limo renting prices can be a bit higher than in other areas. However, it’s your responsibility to ensure that you get high-quality services at an affordable price. Not all party bus services that are expensive, have the best services and not all cheaper limo companies offer poor services. Go for what is worth your money, but make sure you get quality services by the end of the day. The following tips will help you save some cash when hiring a best party bus or limo;
Make sure you ask about what the price quote covers:
Many party busses customers mostly agree to price quotes even before knowing what they are paying for and end up paying for some costs that are not ideal for them. Therefore, when given the price by the party bus service provider, request for the pricing breakdown. This will help you in negotiating the price since you can remove some of the items you don’t need in your party. For instance, some limo rental companies might charge you for customization of the party bus, drinks offered and sometimes parking fee. If you don’t need all that you can always get rid of them and deduct their costs from the price quoted.
Avoid hiring party limos during busy seasons or days:
Normally, party busses or limousine companies charge according to seasons or days. For instance, weekends or during holidays the majority of the rental bus companies charge higher than on regular days when the demand for their limos is down. Off days and off-seasons are the best time to hire a party bus , if you are planning to make some savings. Here, the majority of the limo companies have offered, others even slash their prices, making it cheaper for you. However, days like Fridays to Sunday, hiring a party bus service could be a bit higher. On Mondays to Thursday, the party busses prices are down because the demand drops.

Choose the Services Which You Really Need
If they are charging too much apart from the rental and the tip of the driver then you might think to skip one or more services. If you think that you can get cheaper alcohol from the market then don’t ask them to provide it on the bus instead, bring your own. This way, you’ll have all the fun without having to pay anything extra. You can look for other such things as well which you can manage on your own without having to pay a considerable amount to the bus service.
Make your party bus booking early enough:
Typically, when you hire a party bus rental in Toronto while in a hurry, you will end up paying more than you should. The party bus companies understand the art of taking advantage of your situation to maximize profits.

Split the cost of hiring the party bus between your friends:
Another best way to save some dollars while hiring a party bus is by splitting the cost. That means you contribute with your friends and you will end up paying a very small amount of money. This will work well if you’re going to have fun with peers. You will enjoy the best limo transportation while paying less. For instance, if you’re going out, five of you share the cost among yourselves, and things will be easier for all of you. You will have more money to buy some extra drinks or even foods.
Take your time and do proper research:
There are various party bus or limo service providers in Toronto, and that means you need to do the appropriate research to get the best fair price on the market. Transportation can be costly if you just pick any party bus rental company you come across. Shop in different limo service providers in Toronto and evaluate what they offer physically.
How To Save Money Renting A Limo
People rent limousines for a surprisingly varied number of reasons. Touring an area, showing property or accommodations and amenities of an area, traveling from an airport to a meeting and, of course, for big events like shows or the high school prom are common uses of limos. Limousines offer comfort and can relieve the pressure of parking and exiting from crowded venues.
But, each of these uses and other custom uses requires a different service and therefore a different fee. For example, does your use call for a stocked bar or full food service? Satellite tv? Internet connection? These considerations cost money. By understanding and explaining your needs, you are taking the first, important step in controlling the cost of your limousine.
The second step in controlling cost is to define the size limousine you need. Will three people be touring potential real estate sites in the area or will 12 persons be attending a rock concert, athletic event or prom? You can find limousine services that can accommodate surprisingly large or very close-knit efficient groups. If you need a small limo, why pay for the biggest vehicle on the lot?
Another way to save money is to see what vintage limos the service offers. They may have older models that rent for less money than their newer models. You should not be afraid to ask about discounts for limos that have miles and years on them. Assuming the limo company is protecting their investment and maintaining the car efficiently, you can save money by using an older model. Be sure to ask about this because the provider is likely to try to rent the newer, more expensive models first.