Pet Snake Care

How to Get Rid of a Rattlesnake

This page is an expert guide on getting rid of a Rattlesnake from your yard using the products and methods suggested by our experienced pest control specialists. Follow this guide and use the recommended products and you will eliminate the threat of Rattlesnake activity around your yard.

Snakes of any kind finding themselves on your property is alarming but encountering a Rattlesnake can be downright frightening. Rattlesnakes are a dangerous snake species and quite an unfriendly intruder to run into. If one happens to come close to you to strike, not only can the Rattlesnake bite be painful, it can also be life-threatening.

there has been an increase in Rattlesnakes moving in toward buildings and structures due to seasonal conditions being conducive to Rattlesnake being on the move to forage for meals. Normally, if a Rattlesnake is discovered on your property, it is advised to contact animal control to handle the situation. However, there are things that you can do to protect your home against a Rattlesnake intrusion

Before you can carry out a treatment approach, you need to be sure you are dealing with a Rattlesnake and not some other animal. Misidentification can lead to using the wrong treatment methods, which may end up being a waste of your time and money

Below, we will cover what Rattlesnakes look like so you can properly identify them:

Rattlesnakes are reptiles that are found throughout North and South America and are a distinctive species of snake.

They have large thick bodies ranging from one to eight feet long and unique features like their scaled skin which comes in various colors and patterns. These scales look like a series of diamonds or hexagons overlapping one another. Most of the time, Rattlesnakes are colored with subtle earth tones which help to camouflage the snake.

Rattlesnakes have a triangular head, a forked tongue and fangs which can inject poisonous venom.

The most unique trait of the Rattlesnake is how it got its name which is the rattle at the end of their tail. Rattlesnake uses this rattle, which consists of interlocked segments or rings of keratin, to warn enemies.


How Do I Get Rid of Snakes

There are many types of snakes, some are poisonous and dangerous while others are quite harmless. Most people do not want to see snakes in or around their home and they want to know more about how to prevent or deter snakes from entering their yard and being near their home

How Can I  Prevent Snakes In My Home? How Do I Protect My Home From Snakes?

Seal up cracks in your home and add weather stripping to fill in gaps around doors and windows

How Can I Prevent Snakes In My Yard?

Keep your grass cut short with regular mowing and remove any bushes or shrubs that are close to your home

If you store wood in a pile this can be a really good hiding place for snakes. Be careful when you remove wood from a pile because if there is a poisonous or aggressive snake it can be startled and strike.

Keep your wood pile several inches above the ground if possible.

Keep compost in a sealed container so as to not attract rodents which in turn will attract snakes

What Are Some Home Remedies For Snake Problems?

Install a “perch pole” where predatory birds can sit and grab a snake if they see one in your yard;

Patch holes in your house foundation if you have any;

Get rid of pests such as mice that can be an attractant to snakes as a food source;

Add mesh hardware cloth around your home to prevent snakes from getting close to your home.

Add hog fuel or other rough landscaping materials to your garden.

Snakes don’t like to move through this type of material as it can hurt them.

Plant marigolds around your home, they tend to deter snakes.

How Can I Get Rid Of Snakes?

Get rid of snakes. has many effective snake repellents and deterrents. Take a look at our selection of products which can help to deal with your snake issues once and for all


Guide to a Snake Free House

this would not be a crisis. But, then again, we are not often considered normal. Getting a snake out of a house and keeping a snake from enetering a house are two very different situations.  We’ll first discuss keeping the snakes out. Snakes enter houses in a variety of ways but there are three entry points that we often encounter on snake removal calls. The first is laundry rooms, the second is under kitchen sinks and the other most common entry point is right through your front door.

Your Laundry Room – Clothes driers have large exhaust hoses that attach to the rear of the appliance and lead through the wall to the outside where the hot air is expelled. Over time, these exhaust hoses can become worn and develop cracks. As a mouse approaches your house from the outside and finds the exhaust vent it can easily make entry into the hose

The mouse then walks through the crack in the hose and onto the floor of your laundry room. If there is no crack, the mouse can quickly and easly chew a hole. As we discussed in “Guide To A Snake Free Yard”, snakes follow scent trails of food sources and most snakes love mice. Check your drier exhaust hose to make sure it’s intact. Also, examine the exhaust vent on the exterior of the house. Insure that the vent is secure and has a cover that does not allow pests to gain access.

Your Kitchen Sink – If your house is on a concrete slab then this may not apply to you. If you have a crawl space then pay attention! When your house was constructed, holes were put in the floor or the wall underneath your kitchen and bathroom sink. Once the holes are made, the plumbing pipes are inserted. If the hole is not properly sealed around the pipe then guess what can get inside! If the pipes were properly sealed when the house was built, make sure it is still in good shape and hasn’t been chewed away by a rodent attempting to gain entry.

Your Front Door – Snakes are excellent at picking locks and crawling right in through the key hole. (I wonder how many people will actually believe this:) Actually, snakes can easily crawl under doors. The good news is, you can easily prevent it! During daylight hours while standing inside your house, shut your entry door and look to see if daylight is visible underneath. If you can see daylight peeking in then so can a snake. Simply replace the weather stripping underneath the door. Any local hardware store can help you correct any of the above problems.


How To Remove Snakes From Your Property

While most snakes do not pose a threat to humans, there are venomous species that can do serious harm if they bite you. Whether venomous or not though, your first thought when you spot a snake in your yard is likely “how do I get rid of it?” Snake control is a serious matter that should be approached with the utmost caution.


Snakes tend to be wary creatures and try to avoid exposure, though they do sometimes warm their cold-blooded bodies on rocks and other surfaces that heat up on sunny days. You are most likely to come across a snake in uncultivated areas of your yard and around shelters, such as piles of firewood, rocks, or brush. Most will move away as quickly as possible when they see you – even the venomous types prefer to escape rather than attack. Still, the safest choice is for you to get away from any snake rather than confront it.

Remove Attractants

The primary reason snakes make their home in your yard is because they’ve found easy access to prey. Because rodents are a prime food source for many snakes, often the presence of snakes correlates with the presence of mice and rats. By keeping your home rodent-free, you have a better chance of keeping snakes out. Use traps and repellents to eliminate rodents before they entice snakes to come to dinner. Also, be sure to clean up birdseed, pet food, and other food attractants.

Eliminate Outdoor Shelter

Snakes need undisturbed places to hide. Snakes generally like cool, damp, dark areas where they can find food. They are often attracted to stacked firewood, old lumber piles, junk piles, flower beds with heavy mulch, gardens, unkempt basements, shrubbery growing against foundations, attics, stream banks, and unmowed lawns. Mow areas where grass and weeds grow tall and clean up piles of debris around your yard. Snakes also make use of burrows dug by other animals, so fill any you find with soil or stones.

Make Your Home Inaccessible

Snakes will even enter your home if they can find a way in, and nobody wants that! Keep these slithering creatures out by blocking off all possible entryways. Keep in mind that snakes can slip through gaps and cracks 1/4″ wide. Repair any holes in your foundation, siding, or roof that could allow them to enter. Install screens with small mesh on your chimney and any other openings that cannot be completely sealed off. Also be sure to eliminate gaps under doors that lead into your house.



Snakes are misunderstood animals that serve as an important component of many types of ecosystems. All snakes are reptiles. Reptiles are ectothermic, which means they obtain body heat from their surroundings (also called cold-blooded). They bask in the sun to warm and seek shade to cool. They tend to be more active during the day in spring and fall, and more active early morning and evening during the heat of summer.

Snake physical characteristics:

Lack limbs

Covered in scales

Have no moveable eyelids

Elongated body with specialized scales on the belly (scutes)

No external ear openings, but can hear some sounds through vibrations of bones in the jaw

Snake behavioral characteristics:

Snakes flick their tongue in order to “taste” the air and ground. Particles picked up by the tongue are processed through an organ in the roof of their mouth called the Jacobson’s organ.

Air temperature is the main factor in snake activity. They control their body temperature by basking in the sun.

Snakes hibernate from late fall through early spring.


Snakes mate in the spring after they emerge from hibernation or in late-summer before returning to hibernation. Snakes can produce offspring in three ways:

Oviparous – egg laying. Young receive nutrients only from a yolk sac.

Viviparous – females gives birth to live young. Young receive nutrients solely, or in part, from the mother.

Ovoviviparous – females give birth to live young. Embryos receive nutrients only from a yolk sac.

In both viviparous and ovoviviparous species, the eggs lack a true shell. Instead, the young develop within a sac-like membrane inside the mother. Young of oviparous species have a leathery, flexible shell. Females will lay eggs in leaf litter, rotten logs and mulch piles, or underground.

There Is Something You Can Do To Get Over The Fear Of Wasps

How To Properly Remove Wasps From Your Property

How To Properly Remove Wasps From Your Property

The dog days of summer are here to stay, and you’re most likely enjoying them by spending time outside. But there is one flying friend you don’t want joining your barbecue: the wasp. Yellowjackets, paper wasps and hornets are common types of wasps that all seem to build their nests in places you don’t want them.

These insects are often seen as pests because of their painful stings, but they are important for the garden. After all, they’re predatory insects as well as pollinators. However, if their nests get a little too close for comfort or if you’re allergic to their stings, you probably don’t want them buzzing around you. With this in mind, we will discuss how to create an unwelcoming environment for wasps and how to eliminate their nets when necessary.

Deterring Wasps

Instead of removing the nest, you can always create an environment that the wasps will find unpleasant. Consider growing plants they dislike. These include eucalyptus, citronella, mint and wormwood. A bonus: these plants will also help deter mosquitos.

If planting isn’t your thing, try hanging a fake nest. Wasp colonies are incredibly territorial. When they believe another colony is already making a home in the area, they are likely to move on to another location. You can purchase a fake nest online, or you can create your own. To do this, fill a brown paper bag with crumpled-up newspaper and seal off the opening with tape. Next, crumble and shape the bag a bit to make it look like an actual wasp nest. Finally, hang it in an area where you don’t want wasps buzzing around.


Common types of wasps

Three types of wasps commonly seen in Vancouver are the European Paper Wasp, Yellow Jackets and Hornets.

The European Paper Wasp

The European Paper Wasp has long legs with a slender body that is about ¾ of an inch in length and narrows at the waist. The body of this wasp is black with yellow markings.


Yellowjackets are about the same size as bees. However, they do not carry pollen. Instead, they feast on meat. Yellowjackets can use their stingers repeatedly.


Hornets are the largest of the three types of wasps. You can identify hornets by their black and white bald face. They too can sting repeatedly.

Reasons you may have wasps

Wasps will generally make their nests on the exterior of houses, in eaves, soffits and rain gutters. At times, they might make their way indoor. Wasps may be attracted to your home if you have lots of flowers and other plants. If you have food scraps left in your outdoor eating areas, spilled drinks that have evaporated to leave a sticky residue, and garbage bins that have not been properly covered, this is also an invitation for wasps. Insects and spiders are prey for wasps, so if you already have a problem with such pests, you might find that wasps are drawn to your home for that reason.


Wasp Removal Options

Most pest management professionals will offer homeowners the option of chemical-free wasp removal for foraging wasps that have become bothersome. The most common option used to naturally remove wasps is through the use of traps. Typically these contain a pesticide-free liquid that lures the wasp into the trap and are designed to make an escape improbable. Unlike homemade traps, professional traps are more successful because of their construction and placement. Made of high-quality materials with specially designed apertures, pest management professionals will strategically place these traps around your property where wasps habitually forage. These areas include outdoor bars, gardens, outside eating areas, near patios, and children’s play areas.

Organic Options For Wasp Removal

In addition to traps, pest management professionals may offer organic sprays as an option. Much like chemical pesticides, organic sprays are applied directly to wasp nests and work quickly to kill the wasps. Unlike chemical pesticides, however, organic sprays offer homeowners peace of mind in regards to the impact on their health, the soil, and overall environment.

Typically, the treated nest is left in its location after spraying. This ensures that returning wasps are also eradicated once they enter the nest. Additionally, wasps that return to find their home removed will typically build a new one. By leaving the treated wasp nests in place, the pest management professional is applying an effective control measure for the future.




  • Call the professional pest control service providers for this risky job. They have the right skill, proper equipment and vast experience that are highly required to execute such kind of tasks.
  • Choose the time of dusk or dawn to remove the nest because this is the time when the wasp nest is supposed to be less active and less risky.
  • Do your research part well enough before approaching the nest. Collect as much information as you can about the basic characteristics of the wasps to understand how do they react when you attack their habitat.
  • Be well-equipped with the right tools and wear the PPE or personal protective equipment to keep yourself safe from the attack of those angry insects.
  • Wait for a couple of days to be sure that all the wasps inside the nest are eliminated before destroying the nest to be on the safer side.


  • Do not approach the nest directly at the daytime. This is the time when the wasps are in their best active mode. They can be in their most aggressive form at that time which may be an extremely painful experience for you.
  • Never try to remove the wasp nest on your own if you find it very close to the windows or doors of your home. It will trigger the chance of having a wasp attack inside your home, and your loved ones can be in danger.
  • Never try to put the nest on fire. This will make the wasps terrified, and they will be in their best-attacking form to save their nest. Be gentle and follow the rules.
  • Do not go to attack the nest without any personal protection. If you cannot arrange PPE for yourself, try wearing full sleeves shirts and full pants. Wear a hat or cover your mouth and head with thick clothes. Keep the eyes open but try to wear glasses to protect them from the attack of the wasp’s strings.
  • Never ignore or take the matter of safety lightly while dealing with wasp nest on your own.


How To Deal With Wasp Nests On Your Property

If you have a wasp nest on your property, we don’t recommend trying to eliminate it on your own. Wasps have the capability to swarm you and sting repeatedly if they feel threatened, which they may if you start approaching their nest with a large bottle of pesticide. The best thing you can do is avoid the nest and call in the pest control professionals to take care of the nest for you. But there are a few things you can do in the meantime:

  • If dining outdoors, keep in mind that sweet food and drinks will attract hungry wasps. As summer wears on, the wasps will get hungrier and hungrier, especially as their colonies grow. Your food looks just as tasty to wasps as is it does to you, so it’s wise to keep it under wraps.
  • Trash cans can also attract hungry wasps. Keep a tight fitting lid on trash cans and don’t leave trash outdoors simply tied up in a plastic bag- this won’t be enough to keep wasps out of it.
  • Avoid wearing brightly colored clothes or floral scented perfumes or lotions when spending time outdoors. Bright colors and flowery scents can attract wasps in the same way that your food will.
  • If a wasp starts to buzz around you, don’t start slapping at it or act erratically. This can alarm the wasp and put it on the defense, which can cause it to sting you.
  • If you should get stung by a wasp, keep a close eye on it! Some people may not realize they have an allergy to the sting of stinging insects, so if there is unusual swelling, trouble breathing or what seems to be an allergic reaction, contact emergency medical assistance immediately!

Although wasps can be a problem on your property when they nest inside your home or threaten your family, these are actually quite beneficial insects. They are known for eating pest insects and have even been deployed by the agricultural industry into farms and orchards to eliminate pests that are eating the harvest. So although they can be helpful, they can also be problematic, as they were for the mother we recently helped with the son that’s allergic to wasp stings.

If you are dealing with a wasp problem on your property and you feel like they are starting to invade your space, please contact a pest control professional to help you get rid of these insects and their nest without causing problems for you or your family members.

Rodent Repellents

Rodents Don’t Stand a Chance with Same-Day

Your home is meant to be a comfortable, safe space. When there are sounds of scratching and squeaking in your walls, it can take a toll on your peace of mind.

Not only that, but rodents can wreak havoc on your health and your home, carrying bacteria and pathogens into your house, contaminating your food, tearing up insulation, and chewing through wires. If rats, mice, or gophers are putting your home at risk

One of the reasons rodents are feared by homeowners is that they are difficult to exterminate. Rats, mice, and other rodents are resilient, and they can travel through your home largely undetected. These pests reproduce rapidly, so until you can be certain you’ve removed them all from your home, your infestation can continue to grow unseen behind the walls.

Warning signs of a rodent infestation in your home may include:

Rodent droppings in closets, cupboards, or corners of your home

Loose nesting material like torn up paper, fabric, plant matter, or insulation

Gnaw marks on furniture or food packaging

Stale smells coming from hidden areas.

Choose The Best Pest Control Services To Deal With Rodent Control

Pests &You: Is It A Happy Relationship?

No, not really! These days, pests have become something very common in every household. This is a persistent problem due to the adverse weather conditions. But it cannot be an excuse for you. You should look for ways to get rid of pests. Isn’t that so?

There are so different kinds of pests i.e. ants, termites, rodents, ants, mosquitoes and other kind of annoying pests which might be staying in your home and you might not be just aware of it. Therefore, this is the very right time to look for the pests who are damaging the structure of your home.

Choose A Reputed Pest Control Provider

Unfortunately, a spray is not really an effective measure when it comes to dealing with the pests. To control the pests in your home, you should first look for a reliable and trustworthy pest control provider. With the pest control system, the pests can be really harmful and they can destroy for health

Experience Matters

While you are searching online, there are many reliable and trustworthy service providers. They have been in the business since a long time and with their huge years of experience they can assure you with the top quality services.


With big eyes, curious dispositions and perky ears, it’s easy to think of rodents as cute, harmless creatures. But make no mistake about it – rodents are destructive, unsanitary and menacing. Many rodents carry serious diseases and parasites such as fleas and ticks. The danger from rodents isn’t just from direct interactions. Typically, they will eat and defecate in areas where your family eats or plays, increasing the potential for contamination of your food sources, countertops, and floors. Some research has found that mice and rats can contaminate 10 times the amount of food that they consume.


Rodents need to be controlled before they make you or your family sick, which makes rodent infestation control extremely important. Rodents breed quickly and a single sighting is usually not the whole story. Typically, the one mouse or rat you spot originates from a nearby nest containing hundreds more of his rodent roommates. In addition to contaminating your food and surfaces, a rodent’s penchant for chewing can wreak havoc in and around your home.

It’s imperative that you have a professional seek out the rodents’ location and their points of entry of your home. These spaces are typically smaller than you might think. The Pest Control professionals can help you locate these areas and provide exclusion techniques to keep them out, as well as trap the ones already inside.

Following the rodent detection and elimination visit, your personal technician will focus on outdoor perimeter pest prevention, to ensure that your home’s pest defenses are functioning as intended. Taking that much time off work is difficult and inconvenient, so we do not require you to attend the rodent prevention visits. Our treatment plans are designed with your convenience in mind. We provide monthly, every-other-month, and quarterly treatment plans.


While you should always opt for professional rodent infestation control — as expert control is the only sure way to eliminate this furry plague from your home — you can apply preventative measures that may alleviate the issue.


Why is Pest Control for Rats and Mice Necessary?

Rats and mice are a serious pest of humans − and they also freak many people out

Here are some reasons why you should arrange rat or mouse pest control as soon as possible:

Rats and mice are responsible for enormous loss of food and can transmit diseases to humans such as Salmonella food poisoning, leptospirosis and tape worm. They can also transmit fleas and may even bite if they become scared or cornered. To avoid negative health effects, arranging prompt pest control for rodents is crucial.

Their gnawing habits (which are necessary to control the size of their chisel-shaped front teeth) cause damage to buildings, plumbing, gas pipes and electrical wiring.

They’ve even been found to be the cause of some building fires!

Best Rodent Control


During our initial visit we’ll send one of our licensed pest control professionals to your home. He or she will provide a thorough inspection of the interior and exterior, paying special attention to where mice or rats can access the home


Next, we’ll seal off any rodent entry points that we locate during our initial inspection, utilizing a combination of materials from caulk, to copper wire mesh, to expanding foam. Rest assured, we’ll tell you if we discover a gaping hole or construction-related issue that we can’t seal. 


Once entry points are sealed from the exterior, it is a necessary part of any successful rodent treatment plan to maintain mice and rat populations from the exterior, utilizing a specialized and tamper-resistant bait station. And not to worry, safety of people and pets is our number one priority!


During this key stage of treatment, our licensed pest control professionals will use a combination of products proven effective to treat mice and rats where they are active inside your home. Speak to our representatives to discuss the options that will work best for you.


We understand that multiple treatments are a necessary factor in complete eradication of mice or rats from inside your home

Common Services Of A Pest Control Company

Tips On Choosing The Right Pest Control Company

With the current environmental changes, pest infestation has posed challenges to most individuals here in Singapore. This has necessitated the intervention of professionals to curb the situation. Unfortunately, residents have never had an easy time while looking for the ideal professionals. You will bear me witness that there are hundreds of pest consultants who dupe themselves as experts while they cannot deliver. The question is, which criteria should be use in identifying the right pest expert. We have conducted a research and here is what we came up with. Everybody should make use of these criteria is he/she should get the best from the pest experts.


It takes some time for one to gain experience in every field. Of course you would not love to be experimented on by green practitioners. Establish the number of years that the company has been in business. How do they train the new recruits? Do they interact with experienced employees? On the other hand, it is important to confirm the experience that the firm has in dealing with problems like yours

Reputation of the company

What do other customers say about the pest control firm? Are the customer reviews positive? You should never rely on the company’ advertisements since they will never post anything negative about their services. You should also request the company for customer reference so that you can verify their true picture

Value and quality of work

It is important to find out if the company is able to offer quality services at affordable rates. The quality of services that they offer should match with their charges. It is also important to carry out a comparison with other companies so that the rates can be compared. If the company will request you to sign-up for a long term contract, what will be the costs? Can the company offer guarantee for its work? What terms are involved?

The customer relations

The best company is the one that is willing to adhere to the requirements the customer. It should be willing to address the customers’ issues with understanding and due respect. Some of the issues that should be clarified include, the degree of pest infestation and details of the pests e.g. behavior

How to Choose the Right Pest Control Company

Do Your Research

When looking for a reputable pest control company, it’s very important to do your research. Pest control should always be done by a professional exterminator who has the years of experience and proper equipment to offer comprehensive and reliable pest control services

Take Your Time and Do Your Homework

Discovering that there is a pest problem in your home will surely make you want to eliminate the problem immediately. The longer these pests are allowed to roam free on your property, the more damage they can potentially cause. However, most problems can wait a few days so you have time to select a competent company. This includes asking all of the right questions to get a better feel about them and their skillset

Questions You Should Ask…

How many years have you been in business?

Would you provide me with a list of references?

Will the person(s) performing the services be a certified, licensed pesticide applicator or a licensed technician?

Be Aware of Companies That….

Do not have a working telephone number.

Say they have a secret formula. (All pesticide products must be registered by the U.S. EPA and the United States Department of Agriculture.)

Pressure you to sign a contract and suggest that your house is structurally unsound and may collapse if not treated.

Say they have excess material left over from a previous job and offer a reduced price.

How to Choose the Right Pest Control Services?

Pest control is the need of the hour. With the growing population, the menace of pests has also grown. The pests create a lot of nuisance; few create minute negligible damages whereas few create major damages. The main problem starts when you let the pests to multiply in numbers. If you hadn’t taken steps earlier to prevent the pests or if you are moving to a new place that has a lot of pests, you need not worry about clearing them; as there are a lot of pest services to do the work for you. But, the main task lies in finding the right pest control services.

Ask for the credentials

It is always better to go for the companies that are registered and possess the required licenses from the government. There are several reasons as to why you need to go for the pest control services that have genuine certifications. The main reason is that they might not use branded chemicals. The pesticides that are not actually accredited by the government are not good for human body. The bogus companies generally do not use good quality products. So, before you choose a company, ask for their credentials

Get reviews both online and offline

It is not just enough to check for the review of the pest control company online, it is also recommended to ask for reviews to people who live in your same locality too. For instance, if you are looking for pest control services in Adelaide, then google for Pest Control services Adelaide. This will provide you with the list of pest control services in Adelaide. Pick the one which is near to your home. Your neighbors would have definitely used any of these services at least once. So, ask reviews from them. Moreover, if you choose a pest control services that are not too far off from your place, you can contact the company if in case there is any problem.

Never prefer door to door services

If you happen to come across any pest control company that provides door to door services, it is better to avoid. Only those companies which do not have proper customer base would go on looking for customers door to door. It is not advised to go for such services

Compare the price and quality

While you are planning to call up a pest control services company, just don’t stick on to a particular company alone. Compare the price and the quality of the services of two or more firms. Never compromise with the quality for the price and vice versa. A thorough background check of the company is also appreciable.

How to Choose the Right Pest Control Service

When you’ve got bugs in your home, you don’t have time to waste – you need a pest control service who’ll be there on the double! But how do you choose the right pest control service for the job? Taking time to ask the right questions can make a huge difference in the quality of the service you receive.

Research local exterminators– Take a look at local companies offering indoor and outdoor pest control services. Find out as much as you can about the providers. Make sure each one has proper licensing.

Talk to each company – Take time to call each exterminator to ask about their service. Ask about their credentials and about the types of products they use. Only work with a service that uses federally approved and environmentally friendly products.

Inquire about their experience – While discussing credentials and products, make sure to ask about pest control companies about their experience. The more experience they have, the better quality work they’ll provide for your home or business.

Find references & read reviews – Ask an exterminator for a list of client referrals. Additionally, look for online reviews to get an idea of how a pest control service treats their clients, as well as their success rate.


Pest infestation is one of the most irritating experiences that most individuals face in their homes or farms. It is unfortunate that if you are a victim of the pest infestation, you will never have an easy time while you are looking for the best pest control company. Many pest control companies are available in the industry today and picking the best requires you to be smart in distinguishing their differences. Not all the companies will guarantee you the best and reliable services; you need to be considerate of the major factors that will lead you the best choice of for a pest control company. The following are the major considerations when choosing the best pest control company.


It is important to check the reputation of a particular pest control company before you hire them for eradicating the pest infestation in your home. You need to determine what other customers are saying about the company that you intend to choose. Visit the official website of the pest control company and see the reviews of the past customers. You cannot rely on the advertisement of the companies because everybody will want to give insights about their services. If you are not satisfied with the reviews on the internet, you should ask the Better Business Bureau for a report of the services offered by the pest control company that you want. This will help you to identify the most reputable pest control company that will meet your requirements, such as Nature’s Own Pest Control.


Experience is an important consideration when looking for a pest control company. You would want to choose a company with professional skills and diverse knowledge n how to eradicate all types of pests in your home or farm. Experienced companies will guarantee you the best pest management because it is what they have trained to do best. With their many years of experience in the business, the pest control company will guarantee the most reliable services because they might have dealt with a problem like yours before. Similarly, the highly trained staff will ensure that they have placed the prevention methods for the pests.


Customer service is a determinant of whether the pest control company is ideal or not. The way the staff responds to the customers portrays the clear image of the entire company. Ensure that you choose a company that puts the customers a top priority and pays attention to solving your problems effectively. On the other hand, the company that you want should be able to respond instantly especially when you have an emergency.


Safety is mandatory in pest management; therefore, you need to choose a pest control company that has a trained staff to handle the hazard situations of pest infestation. Similarly, the company should be able to communicate about the toxicity of the control measures to keep your family and property safe. The staff should have equipment that will help them take measures over risky situations when handling the pests in your home.

Enriching Your Snakes Life

Ways to Keep Snakes Away from Your Home and Yard

Snakes are fearsome and frightening creatures. They’re so frightening, that science claims that Ophidiophobia – or the fear of snakes – is one of the most common phobias around. While one might think they’re safe from snakes because they live in urban areas, there are still some instances of snake sightings in Indonesia. Some have even recorded incidents of large snakes slithering inside housing units or coming out from the toilet bowls!

Keep the rodents away

Rats are one of the major food sources for snakes, so make sure you don’t have any in your home garden. Thanks to the snake’s hinged jaws, they are natural predators of mice, rats and other kinds of rodents. Snakes use their tongue to “sniff” out and track prey, so catching the scent of a rodent inside your home might lead them there.

Keep grass short and trimmed

If you have an outdoor or garden area, always make sure to keep the grass short as this will discourage snakes from crawling about near your house. Snakes often use tall grass to avoid being seen by predators like large birds and stray cats or dogs. And since snakes are cold-blooded, they use the shade from shrubs as a resting place to stay cool when the sun is out, which is a good reason to avoid letting grass grow tall enough to be used as snake cover.

Seal up cracks

Cracks and crevices are also an opportunity for snakes to enter homes. Since snakes have flexible bodies, they can easily fit themselves through even the flattest crevice without anyone noticing and might even use these cracks as their entry point.

Place fitting fences or walls around your residential as a deterrent

If your house is located near forest areas, then you are more at risk when it comes to snakes, since snakes love forested environment and most of the time make their nest there.

Best Snake Repellents To Buy Now

What Is Snake Repellent?

Snakes frequently wind up around homes because they provide ample food and shelter. Many of them catch pesky pests like slugs, mice, and other rodents.

They can be beneficial creatures, but sometimes they might pose dangers and risks if they bite humans or start to terrorize pets. To combat them, manufacturers developed snake repellents.

What Is in It?

Many snake repellents include or are based around Naphthalene. Naphthalene comes from black walnut trees and is a strong chemical which can cause nerve and retinal damage. The ingredient smells of mothballs and is supposed to be unpleasant for serpents to cross.

Chemicals vs. Sound

As mentioned earlier, chemicals have distinct scents designed to be unpleasant for snakes. While serpents have nostrils and a typical nose, they don’t use it often. If they find something interesting, they will sniff it and then flick their tongues.

What Are the Risks of Snake Repellent?

Some repellents are toxic to animals and cause serious problems or death. Ingredients such as naphthalene damage the nervous system. It is also considered by the Environmental Protection Agency to be a carcinogen for humans


In general, snakes get a bad rap. These slithering reptiles are an important part of their ecosystems, as they help keep other pests at bay. In addition, snakes don’t start their mornings thinking, “It sure would be fun to creep out some humans today.” In fact, they’re often likely to hide if they sense you coming

Keep your yard clear of clutter.

Snakes like clutter for a couple of reasons. First, it gives them a good spot to hide from predators. Second, snakes are reptiles, which means they need warmth to survive. Clutter like compost piles or stacks of wood can make a nice, cozy den that protects snakes from the elements. Look for alternatives that are less attractive to snakes

Cut Your Grass

You’ve heard the expression “a snake in the grass?” Well, there’s a reason that came about. Snakes like tall grass. It’s where their prey lives. It provides the perfect cover for hunting, and also keeps them protected from predators. Keep your grass trimmed, and snakes will be more likely to look for areas in which they’re not as exposed.

Learn about the snakes in your neck of the woods

Reading up on the snakes that are local to your region gives you a better idea of what their habitat is. Once you understand what conditions create the ideal environment for different snake species, you can purge your yard of the elements that make it a snake haven.

Secure the perimeter of your home

One of the main issues with having snakes in your yard is that they can find their way into your house. Nobody wants that.

Snakes are natural pest control

As a top-end predator, snakes are essential balancing agents in your garden, yard or farm. Rather than killing them, we should deliberately create habitat. Rock, stick and log piles create good places for these vermin destroyers.

I can hear some of you now: NO! Creating snake habitat is… SCARY! I mean, what about rattlesnakes??? C’mon, don’t be a wuss. Seriously. Unless you have rattlesnakes around your property, you’re probably going to be fine. Their favorite place to live is generally gopher tortoise burrows.

What you want is to leave space for good guys like rat snakes, black racers, garter snakes, ring necks, king snakes, etc. They’ll manage your pest control, plus add some slithery beauty to your homestead. I recommend you get familiar with the good guys and start letting the natural pest control happen shovel-free


Snakes range from being an unsightly irritant to deadly pests that can plague commercial spaces, warm storage units and factories. Ensuring the removal and prevention of snake infestation is vital for safety.


PCI uses a non-lethal chemical which acts as a repellent when applied on surfaces and the periphery of structures, creating a barrier to entry.


Designed to act as a preventive measure, stops snakes from entering the premises thereby stopping the problem at its source.

What Is The Role Of An Exterminator

Selecting a Pest Control Company

Pest problems arise from time to time that may require you to seek help controlling the pest from a professional. It can be daunting to choose a pest control company. Don’t rush into a decision. Consider talking with several companies before deciding on one. Even if your pest problem is urgent, take time to look for a reputable and knowledgeable company that meets your standards


Do technicians have current licenses? Is the license the correct classification for the job? You can verify licensing by calling your state pesticide regulatory office.

How does the company keep their staff informed of changes in regulations, products, techniques and safety?

Do they use Integrated Pest Management techniques?

Do they have a certified entomologist on staff?


How many years has the company been in business?

Do newly hired applicators train with more experienced employees?

How much experience does the company have with treating pest problems like yours?


Ask family members, friends, coworkers, or neighbors for a recommendation.

Avoid relying on advertising for information about the company’s reputation.

Consider contacting the Better Business Bureau or the state pesticide regulatory office for information on recent violations, complaints, or unresolved issues.

Ask the company for customer references.


Can the company offer an estimate for services in writing? Many offer free estimates.

Get estimates from more than one company and compare their rates and services.

Does the company require you to sign up for a long-term contract? If so, what are the long-term costs?

Is the company able to provide a guarantee for their work? What are the terms?

Tips For Choosing the Right Exterminator Service

It takes a combination of proper sanitation, preventive measures and good home maintenance practices for tenants, homeowners and landlords to keep household pests from their properties. Although you can keep most of these pests from your home, you might need the services of a pest control professional if a certain pest is hard to control or if you are experiencing extensive pest infestation.

Look for value and quality when selecting a pest control company just as you would with any other professional service. Find a competent company with reasonably-priced services, not to mention proper use of pesticides to prevent damages on your property and negative effects on your health.


A List of References

The pest control company should provide you with a list of references. Its previous customers will let you know about their experience working with the given company. Request your prospective pest control service provider for at least three references.

Experience in the Industry

How long has the pest control company been offering the exterminator services in the local industry? Consider a company with at least two years working experience in offering pest fumigation services. Does the company have any pending complaints? Check with the States Office of the Attorney General, the States Agriculture Department, EPA or Better Business Bureau to find out.

Pesticide Labels Used and Application Rate

A good pest control company should be willing to share with you its business credentials such as labels of pesticides used to show application rates, processes, and any other important precautions.

Certified and Licensed Pesticide Professionals

Pest control service companies must be licensed and certified to offer the exterminator pest control services. Certified application professionals are tasked with direct supervision of licensed technicians and certified pest control applicators.


If your home is often infested by a certain pest and non-chemical bug exterminator services have proven ineffective, you need to opt for routine pesticide applications. However, you do not need such services if the converse is true. Some pest control service providers offer service contracts to routinely treat infested structures for a specific bug.

Owners of warehouses that often receive cockroach-infested crates may find such contracts a necessity. Ideal pest control service contracts for residential homes only include pesticide application if there is actually a pest infestation but other control techniques have failed to work. Look out for local exterminator services that include periodic inspections for re-infestations.

Pest Professionals FAQ

What should a homeowner look for when selecting a pest professional, commonly called an exterminator?

A qualified and licensed pest management company that is a member of national, state or local pest management associations.

Ask friends and neighbors to recommend companies they have used successfully.

Buy value, not price.

Before signing a contract, be sure to fully understand the nature of the pest, the extent of the infestation, and the work necessary to solve the problem.

Find out if the company has liability insurance to cover any damages to your house or furnishings during treatment.

If a guarantee is given, know what it covers, how long it lasts, what you must do to keep it in force, and what kind of continuing prevention and management are necessary.

If you hire a pest control professional, are you guaranteed a pest-free home?

Pest control companies differ in their guarantees. If a guarantee is given, know what it covers, how long it lasts, what you must do to keep it in force, and what kind of continuing prevention and management are necessary. It is important that homeowners remain active participants before, during and after all pest control treatments. This type of vigilance helps the homeowner better understand their contract and possible guarantee, and helps the pest professional understand the homeowner’s expectations


Summertime in Arizona is definitely pest season. If you don’t want to be outside during this sweltering summer season, neither do the pests that try to infiltrate your home. More households call pest control companies during this time of year than any other season. However, not all pest control operations are created equal. It is important to do your research and window shop before going with just any pest control company in Mesa that is cheap. Finding an pest control exterminator in Mesa that is top notch, offers quality services, and isn’t greatly overpriced is very important. A poor pest control job could lead to more infestations and more money spent in the future.

Do they offer power spray?

Many pest control companies treat homes with something called a backpack sprayer. This small, somewhat wimpy pest control method is usually not enough to effectively prevent a deep infestation. A pest control company that offers power spraying may be the company you should go with. Power spraying the foundation of the home is the most effective way of treating it for pests. The intense pressure behind the power spraying hose penetrates rocks and soil around the home to effectively get all of the exterminating product as close to where pests may be burrowing as possible.

Do they offer granulate?

Power spraying is usually a preventative step- it does not necessarily kill the pests within a nest or colony. To get to the source of your pest problem, which is usually around the trunks of trees and roots of foliage, a reputable pest control company will use something called granulate. Granulate is a material that is applied to areas around trees, plants, gardens, and other spots where pests may initially get their source of food and water and where they might be breeding. A pest control company that offers granule treatment is usually a good choice.

Do they have good reviews?

Always trust verified reviews. If a customer is deeply unsatisfied with a company’s pest control services, the Internet will likely hear about it. Check the pest control business’ website for reviews, as well as review sites like Yelp, Better Business Bureau, or Google. Family Owned Pest Control is another good source for pest control company reviews

Do they offer wall treatments?

A complete and thorough prevention and exterminating pest control treatment will include in-wall treatments. Pests can infest the walls and roofing of your home fairly easily. Avoiding a wall treatment could make way for a massive and hard to control infestation. Look for a pest control company that offers in-wall treatments in which they dust a pest control product inside your walls via outlets from the outside. This will effectively kill any remaining pests trying to infest your home, and should be mandatory instead of optional.

Do they have the qualifications, reputation, and experience to perform a thorough extermination?

Look up information about the company or call them and ask. Do the pest control technicians all have current licenses? Are these licenses the correct license for the job they are performing? Does the company keep their staff informed of new and changed regulations and safety measures, as well as new products and techniques? Do they use IPM (integrated pest management) techniques on the job? Does the business have a certified entomologist on staff? Some of these question aren’t super important, but it can help in making a final decision between companies.

What to Consider in Hiring a Pest Control Professional

Sometimes it is better to hire a pest control professional than to try to do it yourself. This is particularly true if the pest problem is ongoing, if the infestation has become large, or if the products needed for control are only authorized for use by certified professionals

The Technician

Before allowing the pest control provider to enter your home, ask to see their identification, license, and certification, and check to ensure it is current. Almost every state requires that technicians be certified​ and that they participate in annual training to keep the license current. ​

The Company

Is the company bonded and insured? This can be important to both protect your property and protect against liability. Visit the company’s website. Does it appear professional? Is it knowledgeable? Do its values correspond with your own?


The technician, or sales representative, should be knowledgeable enough to answer your pest control questions. There may be a question or two that he does not know off-hand, and, if so, he should be willing to say he will find out and let you know. It is better to hear an honest “I don’t know, but I’ll find out,” than to be given wrong or made-up answers.

Professional Appearance

When the technician comes to your door, their uniform and overall appearance should be clean and professional. The truck, equipment, and chemicals should also provide you with a secure feeling of professionalism.


Before calling a pest control company, ask friends and neighbors for referrals. Check with your state pest control association, or visit the National Pest Management Association’s (NPMA) website for a state-by-state list of providers. It is always wise to check any company with the Better Business Bureau. If you did not receive any personal recommendations, you may want to ask the provider for references—and follow up with calls to the customers provided.


The lowest price is not always the best deal. If a company says it will solve your problem in one service for $X, and your problem still exists after you’ve paid for that service, you haven’t saved any money. Instead, you will most likely need to start over with another service provider and end up paying a great deal more than if you had chosen quality over price the first time.